You must say ENOUGH to everything what is stopping you from living the life you want and desire!

ENOUGH to fear

ENOUGH to sadness

Enough to blame others

ENOUGH to be a victim


Because ENOUGH means ENOUGH!

It means you get out of bed… Now!

And you take full responsibility for your life to make it great just the way YOU are!

Because you are!

Deep down you know you are great

Good enough to get what you want

Having enough to get what you want

Are you ready for this???

This is my story

It was 2015.

I sat on my bed. The clock showed midnight. On the small TV on the wall, an English channel was broadcasting the fireworks in London.

I watched this with tears in my eyes...

How could I have let this happen? Why did God punish me like this?

How on earth did I end up in such a place?

I looked at my 7-year-old daughter sleeping next to me. My throat tightened from the suppressed crying.

A year earlier, I celebrated a huge sales success in the corporation

for which I worked as a Director, with a team of several people in my team - we achieved the impossible.

At that time, sitting at a lavishly laid table with friends, I had no idea that only a year later I would be spending New Year's Eve homeless in a hostel.

One word, one decision, one moment can change our whole life. That's what happened to me.

On that December day in 2015, sitting in a small room in the attic, flooded with tears, I cried silently so as not to wake up my daughter sleeping next to me.

Why did this happen to me?

Why did I end up like this? How could I have let my life go to such ruin?

I was looking for the guilty ones around me. I wanted to blame the whole world, but I knew it wouldn't change anything. I could have taken offense at everyone and said, it's because of you that I'm unhappy today.

I could… I've done that many times. But it never brought any change for the better, except to make me feel like an even bigger victim caught in a trap.

Looking at those damn fireworks, being furious at God, the world, people, and most of all at myself, at some point I said one word to myself, a word that changed my whole life and its direction...


And then I swore to myself...

"ENOUGH! It can't go on like this! Even if I am not motivated enough for myself to change it, I have to change it for my daughter. She wasn't born of her own free will to be homeless and live in a hostel. She deserves to have a normal life!"

Sometimes it's like you don't have anyone by your side to take you by the shoulders and shake you hard enough to pull yourself together.

Sometimes you wait for someone to do it, but no one shows up…

Then the only person who can do it, for yourself, for your children, is you!


Today I want you to say it loud and clear, to put yourself first and take full responsibility for your life and where you are.

Of course, you have a choice, and so did I. I could blame everyone around me for being homeless, but I knew it wouldn't change anything. You can do it too, but probably just like me, you know that it won't change anything.

Everything will change if you take your life into your own hands and see what led you to where you are today, and then start to change it step by step.

8 years ago, I was crying in hostel’s room, breaking down the loss of dignity and respect.

I was ashamed of what happened to me.

Today I am grateful that my life turned out this way, because what it is like now is something I never dreamed of even in my wildest dreams.


I am strong inside. I am sure of who I am.

I have a deep sense of self-worth, firmly embedded in myself. I know what I want and where I'm going. I am surrounded by wonderful people, friends whom I can always count on, no matter what happens in my life.

My relationships with loved ones are incredible. The closeness we have and the feelings we have for each other are absolutely phenomenal. The respect I have for myself and my body makes what used to be separate, today it is one great whole integrated with the spirit,

I love my life and the people in it as much as I love myself. I know that I can handle anything in my life, because my sense of security is not based on material things, but on deep, inner peace.

I trust myself and what I feel above all else, and my success drives success every day, because my success is transforming the lives of those who are ready for it.

Today I know that we can treat every event in our lives in two ways,

as something that happens to us as a punishment, where we become a victim of our own life, or as something that happens and that's it. Then when it happens, you have to figure it out, take it as a challenge and keep going without stopping.

I know that this may seem tough to you, because your mind will try to find the answer why it happened, where is your fault.

If this happens, know that your inner child is striving for such a solution. Once you start making contact with him, a lot will change in your life.

So much has changed in mine.

What used to be a trauma, today has become my valuable experience from which wisdom flows. It led me to a place where I learned how to truly let go of the traumas and the past, the pain I felt inside, the fear I felt all day, the depression I experienced for decades.

Today I invite you on this journey.

I'm not saying it will be easy and light, although there will be such moments. But I say it will be worth every tear shed, every scream and every breath.

And when there is a moment of release from the past, you will understand who you are and on this basis you will build your future.

The past will never stop you because it will no longer matter.

What to expect?

So what can you expect from me?

First of all, a real, tangible change in your life. I am a practitioner and only something that brings real effect and change is appropriate in my world.

My goal is your transformation,

if this is your goal, then we are in the right place.

How can you start working with me?

30 minutes Free Consulation

Feel me in the words I write and the video I post. Feel my energy and vibration and if its resonates with your heart we will start with a consultation meeting, lasting 30 minutes, where we can talk about what you desire and what is the way to achieve it. Then you will decide if my individual guidance aligns with you.

Remember, I am not a fairy, I will not enchant you with a magic wand to suddenly change from Cinderella to Princess, but together we will make a much bigger change, because you will become the Queen of your life, independent and self-confident, firmly embedded inside.

It's much better than being at the mercy of a prince. Isn't it?

I'm not going to convince you of anything, it must be your decision and willingness to change.

I am fully aware of who I am and what I offer, so I only work with people who are really ready to change and do their deep work under my care.

Our session meetings are deep, holistic processes. Healing processes are very organic, so we work with what you are ready for. Each of our sessions will be different from the previous one and with each subsequent one you will feel better and better, more and more aware of yourself, more and more confident, and having the feeling that there is someone in your life who will never judge you, and who understands you well and is always there for you, next to you.

Yes, these meetings are like a luxury that you can treat yourself by saying:

This is my time to take care of myself and put my life in order to be truly happy”.

Who am I?

I am a woman firmly planted on the ground, with a strongly developed intuition that guides me through life.

My hyper-sensitivity has become my diamond.

I am also the mother of two wonderful daughters who are my best teachers in life.

And I am also a Guide, Coach, Mentor, Therapist for those who are ready for a great change in their lives, to discover their true selves, to understand who they really are, what is their purpose in life, so that they can start building their lives in accordance with myself.

Who am I not?

I am not a guru or anyone above You. I am not a psychologist or psychotherapist - I did not choose this direction, because in my opinion it is ineffective and too long in the process.

I am someone whose role and life mission is to support women and mothers to change the world on Earth.

Because I know very well that you are the one who has such strength and power. You, who carried a new human life in your womb for 9 months, programming and coding in it everything you believe in and what you think and feel. (This was also the case with you when you were that baby in your mother's womb.)

Therefore, the time has come for a great, powerful transformation. In order for it to happen properly, you need to reach the source, the source of life, and it is the mother, that is YOU!

Your awareness, emotional freedom, freedom from the past and traumas, understanding yourself, your mechanisms, reactions, behaviors, emotions and who you are and what gifts you have that the world is waiting for will make your life extraordinary, so extraordinary, that today it may be incredible for you to even imagine. But that's how it will be.

What is my experience to help you?

In order to be a properly prepared person to lead you in this way, I needed to explore the enormity, enormity of science related to the aspect of the human psyche, mind and body.

I've been preparing for years to help you today. And although my original intention was to help myself effectively, because no one was able to give me this help, over time my field of action expanded to help others.

Attending hundreds of webinars, seminars, courses, trainings and workshops, Mentoring and Coaching under the supervision of the best in this world, I still explore further and deeper my knowledge of man as a spiritual human being every day.

My goal is simple - I want every child on earth to be happy. Because when our children are happy, so are we.

There is no other possibility - only a happy mother can have a happy child, only being happy women we can be happy mothers and have happy children around. Only with fulfield and happy husbands and partners we beget happy children.

Happiness is a very individual concept, but one thing I know for sure is that it starts inside us and radiates outwards. Below you will find my preparation for this profession, so that you are aware of who I am and what is my foundation.

And when you are familiar with all this, decide whether I am the right person for you.

My Experience:

2023 Silva Method Workshop

2022 NLP Techniques Workshop Tony Robbins

2022 Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins

2022 Awakening and healing Sexual energy, Healing with Sexual energy of body and mind by Mantak Chia

2021 Releasing Traumas of sexual abuse - Workshop

2021- Studies of the Human Design System (Human Design Coach)

2020 -2022 Mentoring under the supervision of Dr. Joe Dispenza

2020 Dr.Joe Dispenza Workshop - Emotions and the human mind, energy centers and their infusion into our lives

2020 Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disorder - Psychology (Seminar)

2020 Personality Disorders (Borderline, Narcissism, Dependent Personality) (Seminar, Lectures)

2020 NVC Workshop (by Dr. Marshal Rosenberg)

2019 Seminars and Workshop of Gestalt Psychotherapy

2019 Shadow work - How to accept your dark side of personality - Workshop

2019 Bioenergetics and Body Work - by A. Lowen

2019 Red Tantra Workshop - Healing Sexuality

2019 - 2022 System Settings (by Bert Hellinger)

2019 Theta - Healing Workshop (Theta-Healing Coach)

2019 Radical Forgiveness - Workshop

2019 -2021 Pranic Healing and removing energy blockages - 1:1 Mentoring

2019 6 months Mentoring - Energy Around Us

2019-2020 Recall Healing - Workshop

2019 New German Medicine - Seminars

2019 - 2021 The energy of trees and plants - Workshop

2018 Ho'oponopono Workshop Dr. Joe Vitale - (Coach Ho'oponopono)

2018 Somatic Experience - Workshop (Coach)

2017 Life Coach - Workshop (Certificate)

2017 Orgasm and Energy - (W. Reich) Studies on sexual energy and orgasmic energy and its impact on human health

2016 Studies on the influence of childhood on adult life (by Alice Miller)

2016 - 2018 Course and practice of Healing the Mother's Wound (by Bethany Webster)

2016 - Healing your Inner Child - Workshop (based on John Badshow's)

2016 -2018 - EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Workshop (EFT Coach)

2014 - 2015 Manger Academy - Business Coaching

2012 Effective Management of Sales Teams

2011 Strategic Planning in Business

(and much, much more…)

Our first conversation is a 30-minute, free consultation.

You can book an appointment below:

with Love,

Sylwia Pupek