Being Your True Self

Holistic Intuitive Therapis, Trauma realise

Therapy for adults, adolescents, family consultations, holistic work with negative emotions.

Sylwia Pupek

“Your reality is created by your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. By changing them, you change your life.”

Everything starts in your head, with one thought that leads (often unconsciously) to the first feeling, emotion, and this in turn to making a decision and taking action.

They say you can't control your thoughts, I say you can change them the moment you become aware of them.

And the more we become aware of ourselves, of who we are at Source, the more often we decide what we want to think.

…this is where the real adventure of life begins, where we begin to direct and navigate ourselves without fear, with an understanding of who we are.

Women sit on sessions with me for a variety of reasons.

Sometimes it’s because of the strong emotions they can no longer deal with, sometimes their health and body they are not satisfied with, sometimes difficulties in relationships with loved ones and children, sometimes the place where they found themselves, with their lives, is what longer seems to be unbearable.

They are looking for help, support, guidance, healing so they can to feel good. Good with theirselves as a women, good with their bodies, good at being a moms, partners or businesswomen, good at life.

Sometimes happens that they have tried many things before and none of them gave them the effect that their heart, soul, desires.

One day they come across my text, my live-stream, my video... or received a recommendation.

This is where our journey begins.

But not when she is perfect, when her body is perfect, but NOW, in the present moment, to love herself as she is now.

A beautiful, wonderful journey opens before this woman, full of life, joy, sensuality, feminine sexuality in every creation and creation.

However, before it becomes such, you need to have consent to what precedes it and trust that it is only a stage on our way of life.

My name is Sylwia Pupek and I welcome you in my world, a world where your journey to love and acceptance of yourself, your true self begins.

Who am I?

I am a Woman, a Mother, some of my clients call me the Coach, the Mentor or Intuitive Therapist, but above all I am a Guide.

I help women regain themselves, their femininity, discover their potential, free themselves from traumas and difficult emotions, so that they can create the life their heart and soul desire.

My love for psychology, fascination with the human mind and its unlimited possibilities as well as the depth and power of the subconscious have found their connection in what I am currently doing and what has become my passion.

I am passionate about everything that concerns the essence of humanity and humanity in the spiritual, bodily and energetic aspects.

What makes me different?

As a Woman…

We have learned to live and function in the world of men. We are used to doing, thinking and acting like them.

However, at the end of the day, instead of satisfaction and joy, we feel burnout, freystart, anger and lack of energy.

This affects our health, body, finances, business, life and relationships.

We pursue dreams that are often not ours because we don't really know who we are at the source.

The moment we discover this, when we begin to understand ourselves, to know deeply, deeply at the roots of who we are and what femininity really is, our lives change unimaginably.

Suddenly, everything changes: we begin a journey into our true self and calibrate our whole life in accordance with this quality.

From that moment, we begin to experience the feeling that all the blocks are back in their proper place, and we feel wonderful about ourselves.

This is the beginning of the road to which I invite you, the road that has changed my life and the lives of hundreds of women guided by me.

How can I help you?

  • Individual Sessions 1:1

    Individual sessions 1:1 are weekly online healing meetings, where I lead you in a deep process for internal and external change of returning to yourself, regaining your true self, discovering your potential and why you were born here, as well as freeing yourself from difficult emotions and traumas. A great place to start!

    These are holistic sessions in spiritual and personal growth.

  • Mentoring

    Mentoring is a very intensive, individually prepared 6-month program focused on achieving the goal you want (only for existing customers).

    It is a prepared action plan with step-by-step elements and paths for your transformation.

    This is the highest quality of my care giving you the opportunity to be in my energy container, making your change much faster by calibrating to my energy and vibration.

  • Human Design

    The Human Design analysis and personal reading session is an online meeting as single analysis and reading session or a package of meetings combined with analysis, reading and a deep process leading to the decoding of imposed and accepted energies, behaviors, beliefs, masks, defense and protective mechanisms, to finally become yourself real.

    A great place to discover your true self and get to know your potential and the purpose of life.

  • Sylwia, I feel that this session was a masterpiece, as if it complemented what I had done with other people before. And no one did it like you, no one led me to myself. I am grateful because what you offer is MASTERY. 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 I am extremely grateful to you Sylwia for being next to me and guiding me

    Anette T.

  • I finished the course. I am surprised that he was able to move me so much and so many tears flowed. It all started working amazingly for me. I got to know shame, where it came from and, most importantly, what stuck with me the most was that it wasn't mine. I feel a huge relief because I hid it perfectly for so many years until my body got sick. My shame is no longer my shame, now I write and think of toxic shame as some kind of disease that I need to heal because it doesn't serve me. I am glad that I was able to do this course, although my mind perfectly distracted me. Thank you Sylwia for your support, kind words and your presence under each of my posts. I really needed this support.


  • Sylwia, I am very impressed with how much valuable content you provide us. I am grateful that I could take part in the "Birth of a Woman" workshop. And yes, it was birth. I gave birth to myself, you were only and until a doula. With so much love and patience, you showed me how to navigate, how to be sensitive to myself in this process.


  • Thank you for every moment when you let me experience absolute acceptance and the feeling that I am good in my every grimace and scream. You gave us a lot of tools, you showed us processes, how to navigate through changes, how to get to know each other, but most of all you gave me a deep experience of being seen and heard. You have created a beautiful space for us. And although you say that nothing will change just by listening, but I have the impression that a lot has changed since listening. Your messages touched the deepest and most delicate parts of me. Thank you for your deep understanding of yourself and your reactions.


  • Sylwia thank you sincerely. I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing, powerful woman. What you do for us and for others is wonderful, full of love. You give us, women, faith every day, faith in the power of a woman, faith in a better life, faith in a smile. Every word of yours, every video, livestream, workshop is a huge gift for me and you fill every person who is here with you with your beautiful glow. With huge love and gratitude, I would like to thank you for all your contribution and work. Every day, one feather is added to your wings. Thank you and thank you for being here.


Contact me

It all starts with a first thought, a deep desire, and then a decision that leads to action. This is your time to make one: